Away With the Manger

Away With the Manger

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It began with a letter. Jackson Grim, newspaper columnist, was wading through his usual pile of hate mail from gun owners, religious wackos, and fans of a political talk show when he found it. The letter writer regretted the decision of the Hartville City Council to ban a manger scene on the front lawn of City Hall unless other "Winter Holiday" symbols (Santa, reindeer, snowpersons) were included in the display. Though he was not a religious man himself, Jackson decided to print the letter in his column—a decision he quickly came to regret.

This story of Christmas in the culture wars reveals a town thrown into mayhem by rhetoric on all sides when everyone from the town's leading atheist, Diedra Freep, to Pastor Marty is drawn into the debate. You will be amused and surprised by the events that follow, and you may even find your heart strangely warmed.

"Chris Fabry is a wonderful storyteller. His book offers great entertainment coupled with a spiritual wallop."
— Chuck Colson

"We never, never, NEVER endorse other people's novels . . . so how soon does the movie come out, anyway?"
— Brock & Bodie Thoene

"Wildly funny to start with—stunningly sobering at the end."
— Elisabeth Elliot

"Chris Fabry's skill is to be funny and wise at once. By a genuine, gentle humor he calls believers to believe the deep message of Christmas. . . . Read this book for Christmas when it is not Christmas."
— Walter Wangerin

"Reading instructions: Read from beginning to end. Breathe a prayer. Listen carefully for inner response."
— Janette Oke

What Readers Are Saying . . .

  • "The skillfully woven plot twists, intermingled with humor, angst and questions of faith, make Every Waking Moment a true page-turner."


  • "Precise details of places and experiences immediately set you in the story, and the complex, likable characters give June Bug the enduring quality of a classic."


  • ""Writing in his trademark lyrical style, Fabry spins a poignant tale about our society's invisible seniors and the woman and man who see their potential."

    BOOKLIST on Every Waking Moment

  • "An involving novel with enough plot twists and dramatic tension to keep readers turning the pages."

    BOOKLIST on June Bug

  • "A tender coming-of-age story of first love, innocence lost, and the soul-freeing power of truth."

    Charles Martin, New York Times bestselling author, on The Promise of Jesse Woods

  • "Once again, Chris Fabry's brilliance in developing full-fleshed characters within a thrilling, yet poignant and sometimes painful story has captivated my heart and mind."

    FICTIONADDICT.COM on Every Waking Moment

  • "Once the story starts cooking, [Dogwood] is difficult to put down, what with Fabry's surprising plot resolution and themes of forgiveness, sacrificial love, and suffering."


  • "[The Promise of Jesse Woods] is a well-crafted novel with sympathetic characters, gently woven themes, and evocative descriptions."

    Sharon Garlough Brown, author of the Sensible Shoes series

  • "Fabry is a talented writer with a lilting flow to his words."

    CROSSWALK.COM on Almost Heaven